Cheshire & Merseyside Palliative & End of Life Care Network (CMPEoLCN) and Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network (GMCCN) chose this programme to increase spiritual awareness and improve the confidence of staff in assessing and meeting the spiritual and religious needs of patients and families.

Trained OSG facilitators deliver face to face courses to their own local health professional workforce. The online learning programme, which usually costs £50 per person, currently has a number of free places available. These are open to any health professional working within the

Cheshire & Merseyside Palliative & End of Life Care Network or Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria Network. Other Networks and health organisations outside these areas are welcome to discuss how this programme may be rolled out in their area.



This resource is the work of MCCN: Supportive Care: Spiritual Care Subgroup as a guide, but not as a substitute for individual spiritual and religious needs assessment, in supportive, palliative and end of life care. The material used is by kind permission of Rev Ian Lovett, Aintree University Hospital, Dave Lindale, Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

Please report any mistakes/errors to the webmaster with whom the responsibility for these lies.


Reviews of Opening the Spiritual Gate – Online

I have just completed the e-learning “Opening the Spiritual Gate”. The four week programme was cleverly structured to include – a) definitions / understanding of spirituality and religion and the resources available; b) communication skills to assess needs; c) issues of reporting, recording and confidentiality; and d) staff support, putting into action / personal development.


Julie Massam, RGN

The ‘Opening the Spiritual Gate e-learning package’ is a simple yet really effective way of understanding more about the spiritual needs of patients.  (more…)

Dr Kathryn Gaunt, Specialist Registrar